1923 |
Chateau de |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
395,00 |
1928 |
Chateau - DB |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
495,00 |
Sold |
1928 |
Chateau, Pomerol - DB |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
3.950,00 |
Sold |
1933 |
Eglise, Chateau la |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
295,00 |
Sold |
1933 |
Petit-Village, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
395,00 |
1937 |
Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
395,00 |
Sold |
1937 |
a Pomerol, Chateau - DB Robbers & van den Hoogen |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
495,00 |
Sold |
1937 |
Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
350,00 |
1937 |
Petit-Village, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
350,00 |
1943 |
Chateau - no 315 Wetterwald Bordeaux |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
195,00 |
Sold |
1944 |
Gazin, Chateau - FB |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
395,00 |
Sold |
1944 |
Ferrand, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
195,00 |
Sold |
1937 |
Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
350,00 |
1938 |
Gazin, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
395,00 |
capsule |
1945 |
Gay, Chateau le - DB F.Boex Eindhoven |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
995,00 |
1945 |
Chateau Bourgneuf |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
395,00 |
1947 |
Sales, Chateau de |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
165,00 |
Sold |
1952 |
Petrus, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
495,00 |
Sold |
Vandermeulen |
1953 |
Gazin, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
175,00 |
Sold |
1959 |
Trigant de Boisset, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
47,50 |
0,375 Liter |
Sold |
1962 |
Clos l'Eglise |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
94,50 |
Sold |
1962 |
l'Eglise Clinet |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
595,00 |
1,5 Liter |
Sold |
1962 |
Gazin, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
97,50 |
Sold |
1964 |
Bel-Air, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
90,00 |
Sold |
1964 |
Clos Rene |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
95,00 |
Sold |
1948 |
Clos Vieux Plateau Certan - FB Rene Leroy |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
195,00 |
Sold |
1949 |
Bon Pasteur, Chateau - DB Jean Berger - Roermond |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
245,00 |
TS |
1949 |
Gazin, Chateau - DB Thooft & van Vollenhoven Rotterdam |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
495,00 |
capsule |
1949 |
Port-Aubin, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
195,00 |
1949 |
Nenin, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
350,00 |
1949 |
Rouget, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
295,00 |
1949 |
Tailhas, Chateau -
Hannapier |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
250,00 |
Sold |
1950 |
Chateau l' - FB Nony |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
595,00 |
1952 |
Beauregard, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
Sold |
1951 |
Lacabanne, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
195,00 |
Sold |
1952 |
Latour-a-Pomerol, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
295,00 |
Sold |
1952 |
Moulinet, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
195,00 |
1952 |
Nenin, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
250,00 |
1952 |
Chateau Cloquet - DB |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
195,00 |
1953 |
Clos Sainte-Anne |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
250,00 |
1953 |
Gay, Chateau le - BB |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
350,00 |
1953 |
Guillot, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
100,00 |
Sold |
1953 |
Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
250,00 |
Sold |
1953 |
Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
295,00 |
1953 |
Village, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
295,00 |
1953 |
Chateau de |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
195,00 |
1954 |
Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
250,00 |
Sold |
1955 |
Chaperon-Ducasse |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
150,00 |
1955 |
Clos du Clocher, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
195,00 |
Low |
1955 |
Grave Trigant, Chateau la - FB Hannapier |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
195,00 |
1955 |
Haut-Maillet, Chateau - FB |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
195,00 |
1955 |
Rocher Beauregard |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
150,00 |
1955 |
Petit Village, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
195,00 |
1955 |
Chateau Bourgneuf |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
195,00 |
1957 |
Bellegrave, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
125,00 |
1957 |
Clos St. Yves, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
125,00 |
1957 |
Chateau - bottle 2 |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
150,00 |
1957 |
Nenin, Chateau - bottle 1 |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
195,00 |
1958 |
Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
295,00 |
Sold |
1959 |
Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
250,00 |
1959 |
Petrus, Chateau - TS |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
1.950,00 |
Sold |
1959 |
Gouprie, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
195,00 |
Sold |
1959 |
Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
250,00 |
1959 |
Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
250,00 |
Sold |
1959 |
Chateau la |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
295,00 |
1961 |
Cabanne, Chateau la |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
195,00 |
Sold |
1959 |
Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
195,00 |
1960 |
Carillon, Chateau le |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
150,00 |
1960 |
Croix, Chateau la |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
150,00 |
Sold |
1960 |
Eglise Clinet,
Chateau L' - Barriere |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
150,00 |
Sold |
1961 |
Beauregard, Chateau -
DB Rombauts Maastricht |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
195,00 |
Sold |
1961 |
Evangile, Chateau l' - DB
RvdH |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
1.450,00 |
Sold |
1961 |
Gouprie, Chateau -
Barriere |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
195,00 |
Sold |
1961 |
Clos des Templiers |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
100,00 |
1961 |
Taillefer, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
195,00 |
1961 |
Vieux Chateau
Bourgneuf |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
195,00 |
1962 |
Commanderie, Chateau
la |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
175,00 |
Sold |
1962 |
Certan-Giraud, Chateau
- Hannapier |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
195,00 |
1962 |
Clos de Taillefer,
Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
195,00 |
1962 |
Gouprie, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
175,00 |
Sold |
1962 |
Gay, Chateau le - Magnum |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
750,00 |
1,5 L |
1962 |
Pointe, Chateau la |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
195,00 |
1962 |
Rouget, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
195,00 |
1963 |
Fleur Gazin, Chateau la |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
150,00 |
Sold |
1962 |
Tour du
Roy, Domaine de la |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
150,00 |
1964 |
Bellevue Rodinat,
Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
50,00 |
Sold |
1964 |
Bourgneuf, Chateau - DB
Robbers van den Hoogen |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
150,00 |
1964 |
Clinet, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
250,00 |
1964 |
Commanderie, Chateau
la |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
175,00 |
Sold |
1964 |
Conseillante, Chateau la |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
245,00 |
Sold |
1964 |
Clinet - Hannapier |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
195,00 |
Sold |
1964 |
Chateau la |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
150,00 |
1964 |
Clinet, Chateau L' - Barriere |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
250,00 |
Sold |
1964 |
Evangile, Chateau l' - DB RvdH |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
295,00 |
1964 |
Fleur Petrus, Chateau la |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
265,00 |
Sold |
1964 |
Gay, Chateau le |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
147,50 |
Sold |
1964 |
Gazin, Chateau - FB Louis Eschenauer |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
150,00 |
1964 |
Gouprie, Chateau -
Barriere |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
195,00 |
1964 |
Grand Enclos de
Riffat |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
195,00 |
1964 |
Laronne, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
125,00 |
Sold |
1964 |
Sales, Chateau de |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
92,50 |
Sold |
1966 |
l'Eglise, Domaine de |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
87,50 |
Sold |
1964 |
Fleur Petrus, Chateau la |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
395,00 |
1964 |
Chateau - FB Roux |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
250,00 |
Sold |
1964 |
Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
395,00 |
Sold |
1964 |
Chateau la |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
150,00 |
1964 |
Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
150,00 |
1964 |
Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
150,00 |
1964 |
Sales, Chateau de |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
150,00 |
Sold |
1964 |
Pignon-Larroucaud, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
150,00 |
1964 |
Tailhas, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
150,00 |
1964 |
Tristan, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
150,00 |
1964 |
Vieux Chateau Certan |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
495,00 |
1966 |
d'Arbois, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
150,00 |
1966 |
Bon Pasteur, Chateau le
- Walraven & Sax |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
150,00 |
1966 |
Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
150,00 |
1966 |
Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
150,00 |
1966 |
Toulifaut |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
195,00 |
1966 |
Eglise, Domaine de l' |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
195,00 |
1966 |
Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
150,00 |
1966 |
Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
195,00 |
1966 |
Mazeyres, Chateau - Magnum |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
250,00 |
1,5 L |
Sold |
1966 |
Valois, Chateau de |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
59,50 |
Sold |
1967 |
Conseillante, Chateau la |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
87,50 |
Sold |
1967 |
Pointe, Chateau la |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
87,50 |
Sold |
1967 |
Rolland Taillefer, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
64,50 |
Sold |
1966 |
Petit Village, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
150,00 |
Sold |
1966 |
Sales, Chateau de |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
150,00 |
1966 |
Vieux Chateau Certan |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
100,00 |
Sold |
1967 |
Clinet, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
195,00 |
1967 |
Croix St.Georges,
Chateau la - Magnum |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
295,00 |
1,5 L |
1967 |
Elisee, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
125,00 |
1967 |
Village, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
100,00 |
Sold |
1967 |
Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
150,00 |
1967 |
Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
100,00 |
1967 |
Chateau la |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
1967 |
Chateau la |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
100,00 |
1967 |
St. Pierre, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
1967 |
Chateau Certan |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
175,00 |
1969 |
Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
125,00 |
1969 |
Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
100,00 |
label |
1969 |
Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
125,00 |
1970 |
Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
69,50 |
1970 |
Beauregard, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
Sold |
1970 |
Clinet, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
145,00 |
Sold |
1970 |
Certan Marzelle,
Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
100,00 |
1970 |
Clos Rene |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
Sold |
1970 |
Sales, Chateau de |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
92,50 |
Sold |
1970 |
Chateau la |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
125,00 |
Sold |
1970 |
Croix-de-Gay, Chateau la |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
Sold |
1970 |
Fleur-Petrus, Chateau
la |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
250,00 |
Sold |
1970 |
Conseillante, Chateau
la |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
295,00 |
1970 |
l'Evangile, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
250,00 |
1970 |
Grate-Cap, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
125,00 |
1970 |
Croix de Gay, Chateau la |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
100,00 |
1970 |
Lafleur-Gazin, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
125,00 |
1970 |
Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
295,00 |
1970 |
Petit Village, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
150,00 |
Sold |
1970 |
Rene, Chateau - Magnum |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
195,00 |
1,5 L |
1970 |
Rouget, Chateau - OWC 12 |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
900,00 |
OWC 12 |
1970 |
Sales, Chateau de - Magnum |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
195,00 |
1,5 L |
1970 |
Valois, Chateau de |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
70,00 |
Sold |
1971 |
Margot, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
43,75 |
Sold |
1971 |
Petit-Village, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
74,50 |
Sold |
1970 |
Vieux Boeno, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
195,00 |
1,5 L |
1971 |
Beauregard, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
100,00 |
1971 |
Petrus, Chateau - VTS |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
995,00 |
Sold |
1971 |
Chateau - bottle 1 |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
1.200,00 |
Sold |
1971 |
Chateau - bottle 2 |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
1.250,00 |
Sold |
1971 |
Chateau - bottle 3 |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
1.250,00 |
Sold |
1971 |
Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
125,00 |
1971 |
Teysson, Chateau |
Lalande-de-Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
1971 |
Chateau Certran |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
250,00 |
1971 |
Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
100,00 |
1972 |
Lafleur-Gazin, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
100,00 |
1972 |
Petit Village, Chateau -
Magnum |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
250,00 |
1,5 L |
Sold |
1972 |
Saint Pierre, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
100,00 |
1973 |
Beauregard, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
1973 |
Chateau Gazin |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
135,00 |
1,5 Liter |
Sold |
1973 |
Petit-Village, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
59,75 |
Sold |
1973 |
Petrus |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
475,00 |
Sold |
1973 |
Conseillante, Chateau
la |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
150,00 |
1973 |
Enclos, Chateau l' |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
80,00 |
1973 |
Petrus, Chateau - demi |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
495,00 |
0,375 L |
Sold |
1973 |
Sales, Chateau de |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
65,00 |
1973 |
Vieux Chateau Certan |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
45,95 |
Sold |
1975 |
Clos Rene |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
Sold |
1973 |
Vieux Chateau Certan |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
Sold |
1974 |
Chateau la |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
125,00 |
1974 |
l'Evangile, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
150,00 |
1974 |
Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
1974 |
Vieux Chateau Certan |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
95,00 |
Sold |
1975 |
Beauregard, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
1975 |
Bourgeneuf Vayron,
Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
95,00 |
1975 |
Clos Toulifaut |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
1975 |
Croix, Chateau la |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
65,00 |
Sold |
1975 |
Croix de Gay, Chateau la |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
Sold |
1975 |
Croix St.Georges,
Chateau la |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
1975 |
Mazeyres, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
50,00 |
Sold |
1975 |
Gouprie, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
95,00 |
1975 |
Grave, Trigant de Boisset,
Chateau la |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
95,00 |
1975 |
Nenin, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
125,00 |
1975 |
Plincette, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
1975 |
Nenin, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
67,50 |
Sold |
1975 |
Village, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
100,00 |
1975 |
Petit Village, Chateau -
OWC 12 |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
1.200,00 |
OWC 12 |
1975 |
Pointe, Chateau la |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
95,00 |
1975 |
Chateau de |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
65,00 |
1975 |
Vieux Chateau Certan |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
145,00 |
Sold |
1976 |
Clinet, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
150,00 |
Sold |
1975 |
Soulatte, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
1975 |
Taillefer, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
1975 |
Tropchaud l'Eglise,
Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
195,00 |
1976 |
Certan Marzelle, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
1976 |
Cloches, Les |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
60,00 |
1976 |
Clos de la Vieille Eglise |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
60,00 |
1976 |
Commanderie, Chateau la |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
1976 |
Croix de Gay, Chateau la |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
1976 |
Fleur Petrus, Chateau la |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
96,50 |
Sold |
1976 |
l'Evangile, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
195,00 |
Sold |
1976 |
Haut-Tropchaud, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
195,00 |
1976 |
Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
175,00 |
1976 |
Mayne, Chateau du |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
65,00 |
1976 |
Moulinet, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
Sold |
1976 |
Village, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
100,00 |
1976 |
Rocher Beauregard,
Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
1976 |
Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
1976 |
Petit Village, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
67,50 |
Sold |
1976 |
Taillefer, Chateau -
Magnum |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
150,00 |
1,5 L |
1976 |
Templiers, Vieux Chateau
des |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
1977 |
Latour-a-Pomerol, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
175,00 |
1977 |
l'Evangile, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
150,00 |
1977 |
Vieux Chateau Certan |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
150,00 |
Sold |
1978 |
Cabanne, Chateau la |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
1978 |
Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
90,00 |
1978 |
Commandeur, Chateau le |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
80,00 |
Sold |
1978 |
Croix, Chateau la |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
Sold |
1978 |
Croix de Gay, Chateau la |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
Sold |
1978 |
Trigant de Boisset, Chateau la |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
Sold |
1978 |
Boenot, Chateau la |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
1978 |
Lafleur-Gazin, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
1978 |
Ganne, Chateau le |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
80,00 |
1978 |
Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
1978 |
Mazeyres, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
50,00 |
Sold |
1978 |
Moulinet, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
80,00 |
1978 |
Moulinet Lasserre,
Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
80,00 |
1978 |
Pointe, Chateau la |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
1978 |
Chateau de |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
70,00 |
1978 |
Trotanoy, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
74,75 |
Sold |
1978 |
Sales, Chateau de - Magnum |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
150,00 |
1,5 Liter |
Sold |
1978 |
Chateau Certan, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
195,00 |
1979 |
Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
1979 |
Bourgneuf-Vayron, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
1979 |
Certan de May, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
95,00 |
Sold |
1979 |
Burgrave, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
1979 |
Certan-Giraud, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
1979 |
Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
125,00 |
1979 |
Clos du Clocher, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
Sold |
1979 |
Clos Rene |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
1979 |
Croix, Chateau la |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
100,00 |
1979 |
Evangile, Chateau l' |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
125,00 |
Sold |
1979 |
Latour a Pomerol, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
Sold |
1979 |
Mazeyres, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
50,00 |
Sold |
1979 |
Latour-a-Pomerol, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
150,00 |
1979 |
Nenin, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
1979 |
Plince, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
56,95 |
Sold |
1979 |
Village, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
1979 |
Rouget, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
70,00 |
1979 |
Vieux Chateau Certan |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
Sold |
1979 |
Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
1980 |
Ferran, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
70,00 |
Sold |
1980 |
Croix de Gay, Chateau la |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
Sold |
1980 |
Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
1980 |
Ferrand, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
1980 |
Lagrange, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
1980 |
Petit Village, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
100,00 |
1981 |
Certan-Giraud, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
62,50 |
Sold |
1981 |
Clos Rene |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
56,95 |
Sold |
1980 |
Pointe, Chateau la |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
1982 |
Clos du Clocher, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
95,00 |
Sold |
1981 |
Beauregard, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
1981 |
Bonalgue, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
1981 |
Clos Mazeyres, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
1981 |
Croix, Chateau la |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
1981 |
Eglise, Chateau du
domaine d' |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
1981 |
Enclos, Chateau l' - OWC 12 |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
1.200,00 |
OWC 12 |
1981 |
Ferrand, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
1981 |
Gazin, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
Sold |
1981 |
Gombaude-Guillot, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
100,00 |
1981 |
Haut-Tropchaud, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
150,00 |
1981 |
Moulinet, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
1981 |
Petit Village, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
100,00 |
1981 |
Renaissence, Chateau
la |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
1981 |
Robert, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
1982 |
Borgneuf-Vayron, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
95,00 |
1982 |
Clinet, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
150,00 |
Sold |
1982 |
Clos Rene |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
55,00 |
Sold |
1982 |
Lafleur-Gazin, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
72,50 |
Sold |
1982 |
Petit Village,
Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
125,00 |
Sold |
1982 |
Rouget, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
59,95 |
Sold |
1982 |
Vieux Ferrand, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
58,25 |
Sold |
1982 |
Vieux Chateau Certan |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
72,95 |
Sold |
1983 |
Caillou, Chateau le |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
47,50 |
Sold |
1982 |
Croix, Chateau la |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
95,00 |
1982 |
Gombaude de Guillot, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
65,00 |
Sold |
1982 |
Lafleur-Gazin, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
Sold |
1982 |
Delias, Chateau du |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
1982 |
l'Enclos, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
100,00 |
1982 |
Ferrand Clinet,
Chateau - Magnum |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
195,00 |
1,5 L |
1982 |
Ferron, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
95,00 |
1982 |
Gouprie, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
95,00 |
1982 |
Lafleur du Roy, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
95,00 |
1982 |
Petit Village, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
125,00 |
Sold |
1982 |
Moulinet Lasserre,
Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
Sold |
1982 |
Pointe, Chateau la -
Magnum OWC 6 |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
1.000,00 |
OWC 6 |
Sold |
1982 |
Moulinet, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
95,00 |
1982 |
Renaissence, Chateau
la |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
1982 |
Reve d'Or, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
1982 |
Rose Figeac, Chateau la |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
95,00 |
Sold |
1982 |
Saint Jean Baptiste |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
49,50 |
Sold |
1982 |
Maillet, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
Sold |
1982 |
Figeac, Chateau la |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
95,00 |
Sold |
1982 |
Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
100,00 |
1982 |
Taillefer, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
95,00 |
1982 |
Chaeau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
95,00 |
1982 |
Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
95,00 |
1983 |
Beauregard, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
1983 |
Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
1983 |
Cabanne, Chateau la |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
1983 |
Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
100,00 |
Sold |
1983 |
Certan Giraud, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
150,00 |
1983 |
Clinet, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
125,00 |
1983 |
Clos du Clocher, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
Sold |
1983 |
Clos Grangeneuve,
Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
1983 |
Rene |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
1983 |
Gazin, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
Sold |
1983 |
Haut-Tropchaud, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
195,00 |
1983 |
Lafleur-Gazin, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
1983 |
Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
145,00 |
1983 |
Petit Village, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
Sold |
1983 |
Lasserre, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
95,00 |
1983 |
Village, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
100,00 |
1983 |
Village, Chateau - Magnum |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
250,00 |
1,5 Liter |
Sold |
1983 |
Rose Figeac, Chateau la |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
100,00 |
1983 |
Rouget, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
145,00 |
1985 |
Lafleur-Gazin, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
70,00 |
Sold |
1985 |
Lafleur du Roy, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
67,50 |
Sold |
1985 |
Clos du Clocher, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
Sold |
1983 |
Violette, Chateau la |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
100,00 |
1985 |
Bel-Air, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
1985 |
Bonalgue Bel-Air,
Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
1985 |
Cabanne, Chateau la |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
1985 |
Caroline, Clos la |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
1985 |
Clos Rene |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
1985 |
Commanderie, Chateau
la |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
1985 |
Croix Taillefer,
Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
1985 |
Chateau du domaine d' |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
1985 |
Enclos Haut Mazeyres,
Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
1985 |
l'Evangile, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
250,00 |
1985 |
Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
1985 |
Fleur du Gay, Chateau la |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
1985 |
Fleur Petrus, Chateau la |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
125,00 |
Sold |
1985 |
Grate-Cap, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
1985 |
Guillot, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
1985 |
Moulinet Lasserre,
Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
Sold |
1985 |
Haut-Ferrand, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
1985 |
Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
1985 |
Lafleur du Roy, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
1985 |
Lafleur du Roy,
Chateau - OWC 12 |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
1.000,00 |
OWC 12 |
Sold |
1985 |
Moulinet, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
1985 |
Nenin, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
Sold |
1985 |
Petit Village,
Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
99,50 |
Sold |
1985 |
Petit Village, Chateau - Magnum |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
350,00 |
1,5 L |
Sold |
1985 |
Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
70,00 |
1985 |
Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
1985 |
Figeac, Chateau la |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
100,00 |
1985 |
Rouget, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
95,00 |
1985 |
Sales, Chateau de |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
65,00 |
1985 |
Taillefer, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
70,00 |
1985 |
Chateau - OWC12 |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
900,00 |
OWC12 |
1985 |
Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
1985 |
Chateau la |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
125,00 |
1986 |
Beauregard, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
1986 |
Carillon, Chateau le |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
1986 |
Clos du Clocher, Chateau - OWC 12 |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
900,00 |
OWC12 |
1986 |
Clos du Pelerin |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
1986 |
Clos du Vieux Plateau
Certan |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
100,00 |
Sold |
1986 |
du Clocher |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
Sold |
1986 |
de Gay, Chateau la - Magnum |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
250,00 |
1,5 L |
1986 |
Domaine de |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
95,00 |
Sold |
1986 |
Enclos, Chateau l' |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
1988 |
Bon Pasteur, Chateau le |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
Sold |
1986 |
Evangile, Chateau l' |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
150,00 |
broken |
1986 |
Ganne, Chateau le |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
70,00 |
Sold |
1986 |
Fleur du Roy, Chateau la |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
1986 |
Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
1986 |
Patache, Chateau la |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
1986 |
Perrucheau, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
1986 |
Rose Figeac, Chateau la |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
Sold |
1986 |
Rouget, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
Sold |
1986 |
Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
1986 |
Taillefer, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
Sold |
1986 |
Taillefer, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
1986 |
Tristan, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
Sold |
1986 |
Toulifaut, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
1986 |
Vieux Chateau Cloquet |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
1987 |
Croix, Chateau la |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
Sold |
1988 |
Certan de May, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
120,00 |
Sold |
1988 |
Clos du Clocher, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
57,50 |
Sold |
1988 |
Gazin, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
100,00 |
Sold |
1988 |
Lafleur-Gazin, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
47,50 |
Sold |
1987 |
Petit-Village, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
Sold |
1987 |
Nenin, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
1988 |
Bassonnerie, Chateau la |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
1988 |
Beauregard, Chateau
- OWC 12 |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
750,00 |
OWC 12 |
1988 |
Bourgneuf, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
1988 |
Clinet, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
195,00 |
1988 |
Clos l'Eglise |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
1988 |
Commanderie, Chateau
la |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
1988 |
Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
1988 |
Chateau - Cuvee Speciale Bois Neuf |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
1988 |
Haut Tropchaud,
Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
250,00 |
1988 |
Jacobins, Chateau des |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
Sold |
1988 |
Lafleur, Domaine de |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
1988 |
Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
1988 |
Lafleur-Petrus, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
125,00 |
Sold |
1988 |
Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
1988 |
Petit-Village, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
95,00 |
Sold |
1988 |
Petit Plince, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
80,00 |
1988 |
Petit-Village, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
125,00 |
1988 |
Plince, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
70,00 |
1988 |
Pointe Riffat,
Chateau la |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
70,00 |
1988 |
Rouget, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
1988 |
Saint-Pierre, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
1988 |
l'Eglise, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
100,00 |
Sold |
1988 |
Vieux Chateau Certan |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
125,00 |
Sold |
1988 |
Toulifaut, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
Sold |
1988 |
Truffe, Chateau la |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
100,00 |
Sold |
1988 |
Violette, Chateau la |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
150,00 |
1988 |
Vray Croix de Gay,
Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
1989 |
Beauregard, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
1989 |
Belle Brise, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
80,00 |
1989 |
Bourgueneuf, Chateau de |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
1989 |
Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
1989 |
Chateau la |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
1989 |
Chateau le |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
1989 |
Chateau du |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
1989 |
Castelet, Chateau le |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
1989 |
Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
150,00 |
1989 |
Clos Beauregard |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
1989 |
Enclos, Chateau l' |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
Sold |
1989 |
Clos de Plince |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
1989 |
Clos les Rouzes Clinet |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
1989 |
Commanderie, Chateau
la |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
1989 |
Croix des
Templiers, Chateau la |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
1989 |
Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
1989 |
Fleur Tressac,
Chateau la |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
95,00 |
1989 |
Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
1989 |
Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
100,00 |
1989 |
Guillot, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
1989 |
Haut-Manoir, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
1989 |
Henri de Maillet,
Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
1989 |
Grangeneuve, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
1989 |
Latour a Pomerol, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
120,00 |
Sold |
1989 |
Madeleine, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
1989 |
Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
95,00 |
1989 |
Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
95,00 |
1989 |
Sales, Chateau de - Double Magnum |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
295,00 |
3 L |
Sold |
1989 |
Plince, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
1989 |
Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
1989 |
de la Commanderie, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
1989 |
Domaine du |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
1989 |
d'Or, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
1989 |
Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
Sold |
1989 |
Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
Sold |
1989 |
l'Eglise, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
195,00 |
1989 |
Vieux Taillefer,
Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
Sold |
1989 |
Vieux Chateau
Bourgneuf |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
1989 |
Vieux Maillet,
Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
1989 |
Vieux Tressac,
Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
1989 |
Valois, Chateau de |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
1989 |
Vray Croix de Gay, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
1990 |
Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
1990 |
Soleil, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
1990 |
Belle Brise, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
100,00 |
1990 |
Bonalgue, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
1990 |
Lafleur-Petrus, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
125,00 |
Sold |
1990 |
Clos l'Eglise - Magnum |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
150,00 |
Sold |
1990 |
l'Eglise-Clinet |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
165,00 |
Sold |
1990 |
Clos Boeno |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
59,50 |
Sold |
1990 |
Bordes, Chateau des |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
1990 |
Clos du Clocher |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
Sold |
1990 |
Clos le Picassou |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
1990 |
Croix de Gay, Chateau la |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
100,00 |
Sold |
1990 |
Couvent, Chateau du |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
1990 |
Eglise, Domaine de l' |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
1990 |
Ferrand, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
1990 |
Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
1990 |
Sillons, Chateau les |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
1990 |
Grands Sillons Gabachot,
Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
1990 |
Grave a Pomerol (Trigant
de Boisset), Chateau la |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
95,00 |
1990 |
Gouprie, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
Sold |
1990 |
Guillot, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
1990 |
Haut-Cloquet, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
1990 |
Haut Tropchaud,
Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
250,00 |
1990 |
Moulinet, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
1990 |
Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
1990 |
Pointe, Domaine de la |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
1990 |
Pointe, Chateau la |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
100,00 |
1990 |
Rose Figeac, Chateau la |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
Sold |
1990 |
Psaume, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
95,00 |
1990 |
Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
1990 |
Rouget, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
1990 |
Tropchaud l'Eglise,
Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
150,00 |
Sold |
1991 |
Vieux Taillefer,
Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
Sold |
1991 |
Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
Sold |
1990 |
Vieux Chateau
Bourgneuf |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
Sold |
1990 |
Vieux-Maillet, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
Sold |
1992 |
Certan de May, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
100,00 |
1992 |
Evangile, Chateau l' |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
95,00 |
Sold |
1993 |
Certan-Guiraud, Chateau
- Magnum |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
100,00 |
1,5 L |
Sold |
1992 |
Mazeyres |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
1992 |
Renaissence |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
1992 |
Rene |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
1992 |
Eglise, Domaine de l' |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
1992 |
Grand Enclos de
Riffat |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
1992 |
Sillons, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
Sold |
1992 |
Haut Mazeyres, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
1992 |
Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
1992 |
Vieux Chateau Boeno |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
1993 |
Clos Brun Mazeyres |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
1993 |
Clinet, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
Sold |
1993 |
Clos l'Eglise |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
1993 |
Clos Sainte-Anne |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
1993 |
Clos Vieux
Taillefer, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
1993 |
Commandeur, Chateau le |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
Sold |
1993 |
Croix du Casse, Chateau
la |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
70,00 |
Sold |
1993 |
l'Eglise Clinet |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
125,00 |
Sold |
1993 |
Fontmarty, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
1993 |
Grands Sillons Gabachot,
Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
1993 |
Grangeneuve, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
Sold |
1993 |
Lafleur du Roy,
Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
1993 |
Marzy, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
1993 |
Petit Eglise, La |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
Sold |
1993 |
Petit Village, Chateau -
Magnum |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
195,00 |
1,5 L |
1993 |
Trotanoy, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
95,00 |
Sold |
1995 |
Certan-Giraud, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
Sold |
1993 |
Rene, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
1993 |
Rocher Bonregard,
Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
1993 |
Tour Maillet, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
1993 |
Vieux Taillefer,
Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
1994 |
Beauregard, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
65,00 |
Sold |
1994 |
Bon Pasteur, Chaeau le |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
Sold |
1994 |
Chateau la |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
1994 |
Clos de
la Vieille Ecole |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
1994 |
de Amandiers |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
1994 |
du Casse, Chateau la |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
1994 |
Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
1994 |
Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
1994 |
des Rozes, Chateau la |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
1994 |
Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
1994 |
Nenin, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
1994 |
Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
1994 |
Chateau - Cuvee Remi |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
95,00 |
1994 |
Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
1994 |
Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
65,00 |
1994 |
Chateau Ferron |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
1995 |
Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
1995 |
Chateau la |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
1995 |
Giraud, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
100,00 |
1995 |
Liege, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
1995 |
Beauregard |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
1995 |
Brun Mazeyres |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
1995 |
Clos l'Eglise |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
1995 |
Croix, Chateau la |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
Sold |
1995 |
Clos du Pelerin |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
1995 |
de la Vieille Eglise |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
1995 |
Rene |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
1995 |
Saint Andre |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
1995 |
Chateau la |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
1995 |
Croix de Gay, Chateau la |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
1995 |
Ferrand, Chateau la |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
1995 |
Croix de Gay, Chateau la |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
Sold |
1995 |
Croix Taillefer,
Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
Sold |
1995 |
Haut-Mazeyres, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
1995 |
Ferrand, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
1995 |
Gazin, Chateau - Magnum |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
195,00 |
1,5 L |
Sold |
1995 |
Gouprie, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
Sold |
1995 |
Haut Tropchaud,
Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
150,00 |
Sold |
1995 |
Pointe, Chateau la - Magnum |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
150,00 |
1,5 L |
Sold |
1995 |
Montviel, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
65,00 |
Sold |
1995 |
Mazeyres, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
1995 |
Monbrun, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
1995 |
Moulinet, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
65,00 |
1995 |
Moulinet, Chateau - OWC
12 |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
750,00 |
OWC 12 |
1995 |
Nenin, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
1995 |
Taillefer, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
Sold |
1995 |
Ratouin, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
1995 |
Reve d'Or, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
1995 |
Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
1995 |
Tropchaud l'Eglise,
Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
100,00 |
Sold |
1995 |
Sainte-Marie, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
1995 |
Toulifaut, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
Sold |
1995 |
Tristan, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
1996 |
Deltour, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
1996 |
Gouprie, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
1996 |
Grand Cassat, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
1996 |
Lagrange, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
60,00 |
1996 |
Latour a Pomerol, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
100,00 |
1998 |
Croix, Chateau la |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
Sold |
1996 |
Petrus, Chateau - OWC 6 |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
9.000,00 |
OWC 6 |
Sold |
1997 |
Clos les Rouzes
Clinet |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
Sold |
1997 |
Deltour, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
1997 |
Haut Cloquet, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
1997 |
Tailhas, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
1997 |
Rocher Bonregard,
Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
1998 |
Beauchene, Chateau -
Magnum |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
150,00 |
1998 |
Bourgneuf, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
Sold |
1998 |
Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
100,00 |
Sold |
1998 |
Croix St.Georges,
Chateau la |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
Sold |
1998 |
Clos Rene |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
60,00 |
Sold |
1998 |
Croix, Chateau la |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
Sold |
1998 |
Clos du Clocher,
Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
Sold |
1998 |
Beauregard, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
95,00 |
Sold |
1998 |
Croix des Rouzes, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
65,00 |
1998 |
Croix St.Georges,
Chateau la |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
Sold |
1998 |
Deltour, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
1998 |
Eglise, Domaine de l' |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
1998 |
l'Enclos, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
1998 |
Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
Sold |
1998 |
Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
Sold |
1998 |
Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
1998 |
Gay, Chateau le - OWC 12 |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
1.500,00 |
OWC 12 |
1998 |
Lafleur-Gazin, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
49,50 |
Sold |
1998 |
Latour a Pomerol, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
100,00 |
Sold |
1998 |
Rose Figeac, Chateau la |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
59,50 |
Sold |
1998 |
Gouprie, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
1998 |
Grave a Pomerol (Trigant de
Boisset), Chateau la |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
1998 |
Guillot, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
1998 |
Haut-Cloquet, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
1998 |
Gazin, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
Sold |
1998 |
Lafleur du Roy, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
1998 |
Mazeyres, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
65,00 |
1998 |
Pointe, Chateau la |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
65,00 |
1998 |
Ratouin, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
1998 |
Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
1998 |
Rose Figeac, Chateau la |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
1998 |
Figeac, Chateau la - OWC 12 |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
900,00 |
OWC 12 |
Sold |
1998 |
Tailhas, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
1998 |
Violette, Chateau la |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
100,00 |
Sold |
1999 |
Rouget, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
69,50 |
Sold |
1999 |
Croix des
Templiers, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
50,00 |
Sold |
1998 |
Croix de Gay, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
1999 |
Trotanoy, Chateau - OWC 12 |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
1.200,00 |
OWC 12 |
Sold |
2000 |
Fleur de Bouard, Chateau la |
Lalande-de-Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
39,50 |
Sold |
1999 |
Bonalgue, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
1999 |
Clos des Litanies |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
1999 |
Clos de la Viellle
Eglise |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
1999 |
Deltour, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
1999 |
Rocher Bonregard,
Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
1999 |
Taillefer, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
1999 |
Clos Toulifaut, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
1999 |
Clos Toulifaut, Chateau
- OCC 12 |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
900,00 |
OCB 12 |
1999 |
Truffe, Chateau la |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
2000 |
Bon Pasteur, Chateau le |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
125,00 |
2000 |
Clos Beauregard |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
Sold |
2000 |
Deltour, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
2000 |
Grave a Pomerol (Trigant de
Boisset), Chateau la |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
125,00 |
2000 |
Haut-Maillet, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
2000 |
Haut-Tropchaud, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
100,00 |
2000 |
Lagrange, Chateau -
OWC 12 |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
750,00 |
OWC 12 |
Sold |
2000 |
Moulinet, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
2000 |
Pointe, Chateau la |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
2000 |
Prieurs de la
Commanderie, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
2000 |
Rocher Bonregard, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
2000 |
Saint Pierre, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
2000 |
Violette, Chateau la -
OWC 12 |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
1.500,00 |
OWC 12 |
2000 |
Vray Croix de Gay, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
2001 |
Latour a Pomerol, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
69,50 |
Sold |
2003 |
Gazin, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
59,50 |
Sold |
2001 |
Certan Marzelle,
Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
2001 |
Croix, Chateau la |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
2001 |
Deltour, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
2001 |
Pierham, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
2001 |
Pointe, Chateau la |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
2001 |
Renaissance, Chateau
la |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
50,00 |
Sold |
2001 |
Ratouin, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
2001 |
Rocher Bonregard |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
2001 |
Taillefer, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
2002 |
Conseillante, Chateau
la |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
125,00 |
Sold |
2002 |
Deltour, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
2002 |
Rocher Bonregard,
Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
2002 |
Templiers, Chateau des |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
2003 |
Bon Pasteur, Chateau le |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
95,00 |
Sold |
2003 |
Commanderie, Chateau
la |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
2003 |
Clos Rene |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
2003 |
Deltour, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
2003 |
Latour a Pomerol, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
100,00 |
2007/08 |
(Second of Le Pin) |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
250,00 |
Sold |
2007/08 |
Trilogie (Second of Le Pin) - OWC 6 |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
1.500,00 |
Sold |
2004 |
Chateau la |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
Sold |
2009 |
de Le Pin) - Magnum 2009-2010 |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
750,00 |
Sold |
2003 |
Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
Sold |
2004 |
Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
2004 |
Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
2004 |
Chateau - Magnum |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
195,00 |
1,5 L |
2004 |
Bonregard, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
2005 |
Deltour, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
2005 |
Moulinet, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
2005 |
l'Eglise, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
100,00 |
2006 |
Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
2006 |
Moulinet, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
2006 |
Bonregard, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
2007 |
Rene |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
60,00 |
2007 |
Bonregard, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
2008 |
Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
Sold |
2009 |
Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
60,00 |
2010 |
Chateau - OWC 12 |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
900,00 |
OWC 12 |
2010 |
Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
2011 |
Rene |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
2011 |
Haut-Tropchaud, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
100,00 |
2011 |
Clos Taillefer, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
2011 |
Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
2011 |
Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
2012 |
du Pelerin |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
2012 |
Chateau le |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
55,00 |
2012 |
Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
60,00 |
2012 |
Chateau de |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
60,00 |
2013 |
Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
85,00 |
2014 |
de Valois |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
75,00 |
2015 |
la Croix, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
60,00 |
2015 |
Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
55,00 |
2016 |
Taillefer, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
55,00 |
2018 |
Marzy Grand Enclos de Riffat, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
55,00 |
2018 |
la Croix, Chateau - OWC 12 |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
600,00 |
OWC 12 |
2019 |
Chene-Liege, Chateau |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
50,00 |
2019 |
Croix-Toulifaut, Chateau la |
Pomerol |
Bordeaux |
France |
60,00 |